Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida, P.A. CPANCF.COM
A letter to our patients,
April 14, 2003 marked the date that healthcare providers and others must come into compliance with HIPAA. This provides you with additional rights and creates a number of obligations on our part. We are dedicated to providing quality services to the North Central Florida Community.
The first thing that means for you, is that the Federal government now requires us to obtain your signature to acknowledge that we have provided you with a Privacy Notice. The second thing it means is that we and your other healthcare providers need to explain to you how your health care information, which means even just your name or other personally identifying information, may be used. You will be asked to sign new agreements with our office and likely many other providers.
Given that our office has always dealt with much information that has required special consent, our staff is well-trained in maintaining your confidentiality in an often complex health care environment. State and Federal regulations as well as administrative rules by the Florida Department of Health and Board of Psychology also govern how your confidential information is used or released. We also have ethical guidelines we strive to maintain. To add complexity, Worker’s Compensation, Automobile Insurance, Disability matters, and other systems and agencies have other rules.
The lengthy service agreement we will ask you to sign is based on a model developed by the American Psychological Association specifically to apply to the State of Florida. We have added more specific information for our practice.
We apologize for the length of the document, but it is our best effort to inform you to comply with our complex ethical and legal obligations.
As with any relationship - business, therapeutic or otherwise - the core of the relationship must rely upon reasonable expectations, trust, and respect. Some of us have trained and practiced in the Gainesville community for more than 30 years. We have always strived and will continue to strive to provide our community with quality assessment, consultation and therapeutic services in a manner that treats you with respect. Your continued trust is deeply appreciated.
Sincerely, Ernest J. Bordini, Ph.D. Executive Director
All Rights Reserved Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida, P.A. Gainesville, Florida